Friday, September 30, 2011


Sept 9, 2011

I woke up at 3:30 this morning to use the bathroom. As I walked to the sink I had a little 'leakage', and thought, 'oh, great, I just peed myself' - I put on a pad and went back to bed. I woke up at 4:50 with some cramping but tried to go back to sleep. 10 minutes later, another cramp. I figured it was just a coincidence. 10 minutes later, another cramp. I waited for the alarm clock to go off and then went downstairs

with Dylan and told him I was having what I thought were practice contractions. We sat on the couch drinking our coffee and I timed the contractions with an application on my cell phone. They went from 10 minutes apart to 6 to 4 to 2 minutes apart in the span of an hour. By the time he got Aidan up and ready for school, I was having to breathe through the contractions and lean against the counter, they were intense. Dylan drove Aidan to daycare and came back and picked me up to head to the hospital. He was frantic driving the 2 miles to St. Luke's - cars were slow - we hit every red light, very typical of our luck! I told Dylan that I had better be 8 centimeters dilated when we got there because if they checked me and I was only 2, I was going to be pissed! He dropped me off at the front door and went to park the car.
I checked into L&D and told them I thought I was in labor. By the time i got into a gown, used the bathroom, and got into the bed - I could hardly talk in between contractions - they were coming hard and fast. They hooked me up to the monitors and Rowan was doing great and these were real contractions! They called my doc and the nurse checked me. Amazingly, I was 8 centimeters and they were surprised to say the least. The nurses kept saying - you aren't acting
like you are 8cm - whatever that means. I felt like I had to close my eyes and focus on my breathing in order to maintain my composure and focus so that I could work through each contraction. Dylan was great about answering questions and taking care of things so that I could just internalize and do the work my body needed to do. He was so supportive with getting me drinks, wiping my face with a wet cloth, and telling me how amazing and strong I was - it really kept me going.

A little while after getting into a labor and delivery room I felt like I hit a spot where I wasn't sure I could take it any longer. The nurse that taught our last childbirth class the night before had told us that we could ask for a half dose of any IV pain med, which would help with the pain but not make us so groggy and not affect the baby as much. So I told the nurse I wanted a half dose of stadol. It helped take the edge off and let me get through those last two centimeters. The nurse was quite surprised when she checked me at 10 o'clock and I was complete. We started pushing at 10:10am. Dylan and the nurse were holding my legs up while I pushed, and it was okay, but it was exhausting continually lifting and lowering my legs. I asked for the bar to be put up on the bed so that I could squat with it and put my feet up on it. That helped immensely. The pushing stage was interesting - while it was
exhausting, it wasn't painful because I was pushing against the pain. It was about noon when Rowan finally started crowning. They called my doc to come over and deliver the baby. It was just another 30 minutes until he was out. I remember my doctor saying, 'open your eyes, here's what you have been waiting for' - and I watched as Rowan emerged - cone headed, crusty, bloody, and beautiful. His eyes were wide open, his cry was nice and strong - and he was a full term, healthy, big baby boy! Dylan watched the process as well and said he was amazed at what my body could do. Dylan got to cut the cord which was wonderful, and hold Rowan right away as my doctor stitched me up and delivered the placenta.

To experience this process after having no involvement in Aidan's birth since I was under general anesthesia and Dylan couldn't be in the OR - it was so healing, rewarding, wonderful. Here is Rowan Kai Bruesch and big brother Aidan - born 9.9.2011 at 12:36pm weighing 7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long.

37 week appt

September 7, 2011

I have been having a bit of watery discharge and talked to my doctor about it - I was thinking maybe things were starting to happen and my cervix was dilating. He indicated that it was completely normal and that unless I was having contractions he preferred to wait until 38 or 39 weeks to do an internal exam. I really haven't had any contractions, so I didn't push the issue. My blood pressure is creeping up, which we both noticed and I am retaining a bit more water - but it all looks to be normal end of pregnancy stuff and not anything to worry about! Here's to (hopefully) just three more weeks and not five!

36 Weeks

The days are passing quickly and slowly all at the same time. I know I am not the first pregnant woman to experience this - but I must say, working is helping the time pass as are the weekly doctor appointments.

Had our last growth scan today and Rowan is doing beautifully - he is estimated to weigh 6lbs 15oz - although that can be off by a pound either way. So basically he is growing amazingly well. My doctor is out of town this week, so I saw another doc in the practice - very nice guy, very reassuring, and all is well.

I am finally getting the swelling in my legs and feet that I have noticed in all other pregnant women. By the end of the day I have cankles and my feet look like Flinstone feet. It is bizarre - and while it goes down by the morning, it doesn't go away. Ah, the joys of it all.

I am not sleeping well and I can't wait for this baby to be born so I can hopefully get a little more sleep than I am getting now - it is bound to be better with a newborn than it is right now!

Will post a picture I took at 36 weeks - the whale in all her glory!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

33 weeks and counting

Today marks 33 weeks 2 days, and I am amazed at how far we have come. I really thought every day after 29 weeks would feel like a victory - and in many ways they do, but they also come with exhaustion, aching ribs, more and more peeing, more indigestion, and more exhaustion. I really thought I would relish every day, and while I am excited to still be pregnant and to know that this baby boy is getting a better start than his brother by staying in utero longer - I still have 7 weeks to go and that feels like a LONG time.

We had another growth scan today - looks like Rowan is growing quite well - estimates are that he weighs approximately 5lbs already. I sure believe it - he feels enormous in my belly. He was practice breathing and kicking around a ton. He has some days that are really active and others that are less so. It is on those less active days that I end up doing a lot of poking and prodding to make sure he is still okay in there.

So many things that I never experienced with Aidan are starting to happen with Rowan. My lungs feel quite compressed so that reading bedtime stories and walking up and down the stairs is quite a feat! I can't bend over to save my life. I find I use my feet to pick things up that I have dropped and avoid having to squat down to get things as much as possible. My stomach is getting more squashed as the days go by, so I can eat less and less at a time. Some days I really don't even feel hungry most of the day - but know I have to eat.

I am doing another urine collection this weekend to see how the protein situation is progressing, hoping it still in the 500 milligram range and that we can keep skating along as we have been for awhile now!

Anyhow - the long and the short of it is that we are still pregnant, excited for how far we have come, and still have a long way to go.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

29 weeks 4 days

I can hardly believe we are here. This is the day, during my last pregnancy, that Aidan was born. I was very sick, severely swollen, and not well. Thankfully Aidan was quite healthy and did so well. It is strange almost, to be at this point, to be so healthy this time, and to know that tomorrow, and every day after, I will be the most pregnant I have ever been!

Things are going quite well, Rowan is growing beautifully, my blood pressure is great, and we are just trucking right along. I am hopeful to have some ultrasound pictures from next week to post. I am doing another 24 hour urine collection this weekend and will have an ultrasound and all my test results next Thursday - hoping things continue to go smoothly - as I would really like to make it to mid September if at all possible!

Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago - 27 weeks I believe. I will take a new picture at 30 weeks and post here!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

24 weeks

Here we are at 24 weeks (HOORAY for viability!) - my first belly shot (sorry Linds) - and feeling good! I saw the doc last week and while the protein in my urine is slowly increasing, my blood pressure and everything else looks GREAT - so we are just waiting and watching to make sure we keep tabs on everything.

I feel really wonderful - although huge, and am trying to enjoy as much of this pregnancy as I can. I can hardly believe we are just a mere 5 weeks from the time when we had Aidan - it just doesn't seem possible. I have had some hip and low back pain - but look at the size of that belly, it is no wonder.

We are getting ready for Rowan's arrival and have the majority of the big stuff purchased, just need a car seat and I need to sew A LOT more diapers. But it won't be happening this weekend - we are off to Lagoon with Dylan's cousin and his wife for the weekend - and I am really looking forward to it. Aidan has never been before, and I think he is going to have a blast. It won't be quite warm enough for the water park - but there is plenty at the amusement park to keep us busy. And it will be nice enough that we won't be so hot and miserable spending the whole day there! I will make sure and take some pics to post. Can't wait to see what Aidan thinks. And I am very happy that we are going with Jared and Kari so Dylan has someone to ride the roller coasters with since I am really not in a position to do that this time! We haven't had a chance to spend much time with Jared and Kari since their wedding, so it will be nice to catch up with them and get to know her a little better!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

19 weeks

Yesterday marked the start of my 19th week of pregnancy. It was also the day that we were able to see our baby in great detail. We had our anatomy scan where everything looks beautiful! And we learned that we will be having another boy. I really thought this was a girl just based on how much more nauseous I was and how different I felt. And deep in my heart i thought if it was a girl it might also mean a different outcome. But as soon as we saw it was a boy - I was ecstatic. I can't wait to meet him and see how he looks like Dylan, Aidan, and I.

So far so good - all is well health-wise - so we go back June 1st for a followup.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

17 weeks

How things have changed in four weeks. After my late March appt - I felt very disappointed. My doctor was not listening to my questions, was not on the same page as me, and very go with the flow when I felt like we needed to be more proactive. At long last I sought a second opinion and found a dr who is on the same page as me. He wants to make a plan based on info not gut feelings and hopes. I felt such a sense of relief after meeting with him. Along with the info though, comes apprehension. While we have no baseline blood work or urinalysis - we have started monitoring them both. My kidney function is really great - which is encouraging! However, there is some protein in my urine - 310mg per 24 hours to be exact. This is above the level considered to be significant proteinuria. But who knows - maybe I have always had some protein in my urine - we have nothing else to draw from to know. Anyhow, the anxiety associated with the info has been a little hard to manage. I am trying to do some deep breathing, realizing that I can only manage today and be as healthy as I can today.

Two weeks till we find out if it is a boy or girl - I am excited to know - and my instinct is girl - we shall see!